2024, let's rock!

2024, let's rock!

I'm not sure I like this "sacred" period of vows!

I am a person who likes to check in with everyone throughout the year. I like to know the daily life of the people around me, I am curious, I always ask a thousand questions. So this often impersonal message of the vows is not to enchant me.
However, I will comply with it for several reasons:
🔹 I give in to pressure from Carinne Abou-Huguet who keeps reminding me how important it is to keep in touch with your professional network.
🔹 I know that it is obviously formative to take stock of the past year because, whatever the difficulties, there are always positives to come out of it and it allows you to better list your intentions for the coming year.
🔹 Last but not least, because I'd love to hear from you.
Thus, complying with the exercise of vows requires a reading of With My Sands in a few figures and trends in 2023.
- Strong growth in online sales. This is the result of the quality of the SEO and the e-shop as well as the loyalty and commitment of the WMS ambassadors on social networks.
It is also the consequence of my incessant negotiation work with carriers to ensure competitive transport prices.

- A quiet but undeniable return to in-store sales. The share of wholesale has regained a promising place in sales.

- The presentation of the new Signature Collection, 100% leather, at the Salon WSN in Paris and at the MICAM Milano in Milan. The reception has been very encouraging for both B-to-B and B-to-C sales.
And then, I can't talk about 2023 without the mourning, the departure of my man, the one with whom the WMS adventure began, the pain, and the absolute emptiness that comes to flood you. You have to find the energy and motivation to keep going, to keep believing, to fight, to find meaning in your daily life. I found this energy thanks to my Dream Team, my clan, my gang of loyal friends who were all by my side in this event.
So yes the communication of the new collection has suffered, yes I have posted less on the networks, but today I can take a step back and analyze this break. I have taken the time to rethink my strategy, my goals and I can tell you that 2024 will give a new lease of life to With My Sands.
Finally, this message is a very nice opportunity to wish you a thousand wishes for personal and professional success and excellent health. And it feels so good to write it to you!

#voeux2024 #entreprenariat #sandales #wms #bilan